Today I go to The National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) to get some data. The criterion are (4th Grade, Reading 2011 with accommodations, Gender, single year). After narrow down the range of the data. I can download data as Excel format.
By using '=AVERAGE( )' function, we can get the mean of all students' score, males' score, and females' average score. The average score for all students is 220.42, average for male is 216.85 which is lower than female's 224.09. By sorting the data from small to large. Virginia is 226.38 raking 45, which is higher than the average and higher than 44 states.
Related NETS standard:
4. Systemic Improvement Educational Administrators provide digital age leadership and management to continuously improve the organization through the effective use of information and technology resources.
b. Collaborate to establish metrics, collect and analyze data, interpret results, and share findings to improve staff performance and student learning.