
3/28/2013 Rubric

Scoring rubric means "a standard of performance for a defined population". A scoring rubric is a set of criteria and standards typically linked to learning objectives. It is used to assess or communicate about product, performance, or process tasks. 
Rubistar is a very good website for teachers to create their rubrics. It provides you different models by different categories. You can choose the closest topic to your object and use the template to create your own rubric.
When you finished, you can choose to print out your rubric or download or share it online.

Here is my rubric for essay writing to ESL class.

Related NETS standard:

3. Excellence in Professional Practice Educational Administrators promote an environment of professional learning and innovation that empowers educators to enhance student learning through the infusion of contemporary technologies and digital resources.
a. Allocate time, resources, and access to ensure ongoing professional growth in technology fluency and integration.

